понедельник, 12 апреля 2010 г.

The Truth About Current Mortgage Rates

If you’re hunting down current mortgage rates, maybe you’re looking to buy a home or maybe you’re looking to refinance. Either way, the mortgage industry and loan application process can be an overwhelming one for anyone, even those who already have home loans.
It is easy to be deceived by what you think are current mortgage rates, or to think that what you see advertised online and at your local bank is what you’re going to get. In reality, those rates may not apply to you, and the ones you see advertised may even be what you call a teaser or introductory rate.
What is a Teaser Rate?In the retail industry, it used to be standard practice to advertise a sale or price on a certain item, but when the customer arrived at the store he or she was told that the real price was actually something higher, or that they were out of stock on that particular item and were offered something different and more expensive.
This was called “bait and switch” and the government made it illegal. With current mortgage rates, however, there is something very similar to this practice going on, and they’re called teaser or introductory rates. You may be familiar with an adjustable rate mortgage, where the interest rate will reset after a certain amount of time, typically every year.
Some lenders would advertise a rate that was very under-inflated or purposely very low as their current mortgage rates. Why would they do this? So that borrowers would sign up with that introductory rate, not realizing that it was only good for a year or so and that after that time it would go up, and sometimes go up considerably.
Many borrowers and homeowners found that their monthly mortgage payment jumped by almost half over again. For those who are very wealthy or have that extra room in their budget, that may be fine, but most people today struggle just to pay their current bills.
Having a mortgage payment that is half over again can squeeze the family’s budget far too tight, and some have even been forced into foreclosure because they can’t make their new payment. And all of this is because they thought those current mortgage rates advertised at the bank were what they would be paying forever!
Know the FactsIt’s very important for any potential borrower to really understand all the facts when it comes to current mortgage rates . You don’t want to be “suckered” into signing a 30-year mortgage that you think will be a particular amount every month, only to find out that your payment will increase by ten, twenty, or even fifty percent sometime down the road.
Make sure that the current mortgage rates that you’re being offered or that you see advertised are for a fixed rate mortgage, or that you understand how your adjustable rate mortgage will eventually stray from your current mortgage rates. This is the only way to avoid any unpleasant financial surprises down the road.
© SOURCE: www.mortgageratereduction.net

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